Humanize Opening Holiday Kart

Everybody has seen at least one Disney movie, and one thing that Disney does better than almost any other movie studio is that they give inanimate objects human characteristics. I have this commercial from Japan that does exactly this type of thing. I’ve got some great opening lines of popular books and did you know that you can make your own holiday, because why not? All kinds of companies do it anyway, and finally a great business idea: if you can buy land that’s very, very hilly, let’s get into it!

The first thing is this great commercial from Japan. It starts by zooming in on this guy’s face; he looks rather distressed. Then something falls on his face, and his friend, who’s next to him laying down, says, “What was that?” he says, “It’s poop!” And they all start screaming, and you can actually tell that there’s dozens of these guys laying next to each other, I don’t know if there’s hundreds, but there’s definitely dozens of guys laying in rows. And then it kind of looks like they’re in front of a fire, and they’re screaming, and they’re all holding hands and yelling, “Fire!” It looks like something out of a Saw movie.

And then it’s snowing, and they’re all shivering. They’re talking about how if they fall asleep, they’re gonna die, and you can tell they’re all getting rained on. You’ll see where this is going in a second here. They’re all holding hands, they’re all screaming, and one of them says, “When is this all going to end?” He says, “I don’t know.” It’s all very dramatic. Once again, it’s all in Japanese, I’m just reading the captions here. And then they all start shaking, and they scream, “Ah! It’s an earthquake!” and one of them was about to fall off, and they’re holding them up. They’re all screaming because it’s an earthquake, and they’re all shaking. And then it fades out, and it says, “Standing strong together.” And then it zooms out, and you can see that it’s tiles for a roofing company in Japan.

Wow! That was quite a ride!

What they did was they gave the roof tiles human characteristics, going through all of the experiences that roof tiles would go through like bird poop, rain, and snow and all that. I’m not sure how to pronounce the company name but this is a great commercial. I was thinking, if your business is going to advertise something or maybe make social media posts, c犀利士 an you humanize something in your organization? This Japanese company did it for roof tiles but a related home improvement industry you could easily use this idea for would be a fencing company. Let’s say you’re a plant nursery (garden). Think about what flowers go through and have people reenact that. If you’re a museum or a gallery and you have paintings, can you bring those paintings to life with real human characteristics and emotions and things that humans go through? That’s a great commercial from Japan and everything in Japan’s kind of crazy, I like it! 

My wife and I are writing a book about our travels, and it reminded me that a lot of really good books have really good opening lines. A lot of them are fantastic:

  • Charles Dickens’ A Christmas Carol: “Marley was dead, to begin with.” 
  • Charles Dickens, A Tale of Two Cities: “It was the best of times, it was the worst of times.”
  • Alfred Bester, The Stars My Destination: “He was 170 days dying and not yet dead.” – that really paints a picture.
  • Albert Camus, The Stranger: “Mama died today. Or yesterday maybe, I don’t know.” So you can tell where that book’s going!
  • Hunter Thompson, Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas: “We were somewhere around Barstow on the edge of the desert when the drugs began to take hold.”
  • Kurt Vonnegut, Slaughterhouse-Five: “All this happened, more or less.”
  • Lemony Snicket’s A Series of Unfortunate Events: “If you’re interested in stories with happy endings, you’d be better off reading some other book. In this book, not only is there no happy ending, there is no happy beginning and very few happy things in the middle.” . Those words really paint a great picture right at the beginning.
  • Fahrenheit 451: “It was a pleasure to burn. It was a special pleasure to see things eaten, to see things blackened and changed.” – That says so much about the entire book in that one line.
  • George Orwell, 1984: “It was a bright cold day in April, and the clocks were striking thirteen.” – That line alone that lets you know that something is not right here, and that’s really what the whole book is about. A lot of things are not right and really terrible in that book.

Let’s talk about holidays. I saw recently that it was National Pancake Day, but it turns out that companies mostly make up these days for profit, like IHOP making up National Pancake Day. But there are so many of them, like National Rotisserie Chicken Day, National Tolkien Reading Day, National Childfree Day, National Hamburger Month, National Golf Month, National Raspberry Cream Pie Day, National Lobster Newberg Day (how random!), National Mediterranean Diet Month, National Motorcycle Safety Awareness Month, National Egg Month, and National Burrito Day, among others. You don’t need to fill out an official holiday form to get your own holiday.

You can make a holiday for whatever your organization is trying to promote. It seems like a great idea, and it’s free, and you can make it all up and it’ll be unique to you, or at least it’s unique to you to start with, and then maybe other companies will join.

One industry that should have its own holidays is for go-karts! I saw this video about this go-kart ride but these go-karts not gas-powered, they’re just powered by gravity. It’s in some sort of amusement park and you can tell that they’re going down a big hill. There’s a track that goes back and forth down the side of this mountain (or hill) and it looks really, really long.

This is really genius because if you bought that plot of land, you probably couldn’t put any type of building on it. This company must have bought this land where there is a big hill and built this very, very thin road that’s snaking down the side of it. And then they bought these gravity-powered go-karts, and now they just charge people to get in this go-kart and zoom down this hill curving through the forest. And I thought, what a simple idea for land that is probably super cheap and I’d imagine these go-karts are super cheap as well. There’s probably not a lot of maintenance either, seems like a great idea.

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